

Hiya friends…Just doing a quick check in – I’ve been too busy to blog as of late, all wrapped up in tinsel, scotch tape and what not ~ heavy on the what not!   How’s it goin’ for you?  Exhausted from shopping yet?  Perhaps doing a bit of on-line purchasing via your onesie?  Or, perhaps you haven’t started yet?  Either way, it’s ok.  You have 144 hours left to get you act together.

I am happy as a wee Elf because this is the one time of year that I  get to have all my  babies under one roof for more than a day!  I’m sure they love it too… “come here and sit with your mama, and let’s play a game. ”  I can hear the eye rolls now!  “Break out the Moose Mugs, crack open a cold one, and fire up the Von Trapp Family singers…”

At work, I’m referred to as Miss Christmas, but I’m ok with that handle.  Christmas brings back a lot of great memories for me, so if I can be that person who spreads happiness and kindness throughout the season, I’m all in.  It’s like confetti!

I’m really not one to brag (*) , but can I share that I again rocked the annual office Christmas lunch by naming (in just three notes) all of the Christmas songs.  Little do they know, I relied heavily on my Christmas playlist that has been with me since late October.  You need preparation people.  Everyone and their second cousin always shares an opinion on when it’s appropriate to start Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree, but again, Christmas music makes me smile, so why not! Lucky for them, alcohol was not involved, as it could have got ugly.  I’m not above taking out anybody that will “Shazam” a song, and break all the rules.

* I also won a 50″ television at a Hotel Offsite gala the day before the office party – so needless to say my winning is starting to get under their skin… 

So, yes it’s been a bit busy for yours truly.  I had one final office party to attend in which the owners new pup took a shine to me, my black dress and flowy sleeves.  She could hunt me down no matter what room I was in, nipping at my toes, and digging her baby teeth into my arms like a shark drawing blood.  She was adorable, but I have come to the conclusion that she must have been attracted to the rubber from the Spanx I was wearing, and likened me to a tennis ball.

Once Christmas day hits, it’s all about relaxing.  My only job is to ensure that the extended family is happy, and everybody’s blood alcohol level remains at a normal rate, at least until we get the bird on the table.

Hold on! Speaking of pups ~ never say never ~ “All I want for Christmas is you” (with a hard sell to the hubby).  I have always loved these dollies.  They remind me of my Bullmastiff Lucy, only about 100 lbs. smaller!  Still a lazy and lethargic breed and so is the dog. *wink  Please stay tuned for more on that (her) in the new year!  My house is back to all men again, and after almost a year, and stating I would never get another dog, I feel the need to rectify that situation! ❤

…and yes, of course, I’ll dress her up!
…and let her sit on my bed!

Have a wonderful Christmas my friends, and see you on the flipside ~ 2018 here we come!   Please remember to spread love, peace and joy this holiday season….

With love,


8 thoughts on “#6MoReSleEpS!

    1. Haaa. You make me laugh. We need to find a breeder first, and then wait ~ unless of course, there is one out there waiting to be adopted. I have to do my research! He WILL approve the tutu because well… he just will! He thanks his lucky stars everyday he has all boys I’m most sure! xoxo


    1. Awww…I love you too my Southern Belle – I need an Atlanta trip soon! I see you are skiing at Jackson Hole. Never been there so I’m jealous! and YES, the puppy is in my sights…<3


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